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Setup license code
Your license is invalid. Please activate your license!
Your username
Purchase code
What’s this?
Confirm that, according to the Envato License Terms, each license entitles one person for a single project. Creating multiple unregistered installations is a copyright violation. More info
Note: Your site IP will be added to blacklist after 5 failed attempts.
A purchase code (license) is only valid for One Domain. Are you using this theme on a new domain? Purchase a new license here to get a new purchase code.
General Information
Setting site information
You can add up to 4 emails
Site language
Front site language direction
Enable to send error reporting via email?
Admin appearance
Setting admin appearance such as editor, language...
Cover (1920x1080)
Admin title
Admin language direction
Rich Editor
Enable change admin theme?
Config cache for system for optimize speed
Enable cache?
Cache admin menu?
Settings for datatables
Default show column visibility?
Default show export button?
Optimize page speed
Minify HTML output, inline CSS, remove comments...
Enable optimize page speed?
Setting for theme
Enable cache site map?
Cache Time Site map (minutes)
Show admin bar (When admin logged in, still show admin bar in website)?
Redirect all not found requests to homepage?
Show guidelines?
Settings for contact plugin
Blacklist keywords
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Blacklist contact requests if it includes those keywords in the content field (separate by comma).
Blacklist email domains
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Blacklist contact requests if the email domain is in blacklist domains (separate by comma).
Enable math captcha?
Google Analytics
Config Credentials for Google Analytics
Google tag ID
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Property ID for GA4
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Settings for Blog
Enable Blog Post Schema?
Blacklist contact requests if it includes those keywords in the content field (separate by comma).
Schema type
Settings for newsletter (auto send newsletter email to SendGrid, Mailchimp... when someone register newsletter on website).
Enable newsletter contacts list API?
Settings for Google Captcha
Enable Captcha?
Simple sliders
Settings for Simple sliders
Using default assets?
If using assets option is enabled then below scripts will be auto added to front site.
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by Themesflat All rights reserved.